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jonny graham

Profile for jonny graham

I am still existing in Ashford, Kent. In a house full of itinerant lodgers, freeloaders, lost souls, and my dog and owl. The roof leaks, the windows rattle, the Jap girls are sure it's haunted, and I can never get in the flaming bathroom.
I still go for long all day walks on Romney marsh, much to my dogs chagrin. I like to watch the trains at night, going in and out the station across the road, lots of lovely electrical sparks.
Still struggling with a lifetime of autism, although I haven't been knocked over when crossing the road for a long time now, so things are looking up.
Still doing public readings in Kent and London, still writing, still managing to pay the bills and hold it all together.
Still very interested in sleep deprivation. Strange and profound things start to happen when you pass the 120 hour mark, believe me.
I enjoy the interaction and participation on this site, there are some good writers on here.
Thank you all for your time. 


A selection of works by jonny graham

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Ref Title Author
Po-7894 Adopting Snow Leopards. jonny graham
F-4487 Little Blue Dot . jonny graham
Po-6724 Possession. jonny graham
Po-5890 Wasted weekend . jonny graham
Po-5987 Infanticide . jonny graham
Po-7849 Facebook. jonny graham
Po-7668 Counting On You. jonny graham
Po-4791 Guerrillas in our Midst . jonny graham
Po-7222 Remorse Code. jonny graham
Po-3983 No Pity for the Hypocrites . jonny graham
Po-7235 Aqua-Forte. jonny graham
Po-7888 The Death of Capitalism. jonny graham
Po-6317 The Reluctant Situationist. jonny graham
Po-4856 The Two Bridges . jonny graham
Po-4591 The Trouble With Hominids As Domestic Pets . jonny graham
DL-3576 The Whooping Cough Got A Grip On Me . jon graham
Po-7384 Rebel Rapier. jonny graham
Po-6550 The Nihilist... jonny graham
Po-5994 In the shadow of Venus . jonny graham
Po-3951 Misguided Motivation . jonny graham
Po-5270 Dishes and Damnation . jonny graham
Po-6757 Street Artist. jonny graham
Po-6951 The Androids Are Dreaming. jonny graham
Po-6214 Fifty Degree Burns. jonny graham
Po-7171 Nation of Zombie. jonny graham

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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