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Profile for Mark Jackson

Mark Anthony Jackson Born November 18, 1982 Died the first time I laid eyes on you Kayla Hope Jackson Born March 2, 2009 The day I left all my hatred behind. Life's not perfect and I don't care anymore. What's the point of wanting forever? His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama said the person who always says one more, one more, one more is unfulfilled up to the last day. Don't live like that and please please please don't let yourself die like that.

A selection of works by Mark Jackson

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Ref Title Author
Po-4739 Soulrise Mark Anthony Jackson
Po-993 Maybe For Change Mark Anthony Jackson
Po-618 Never Asleep Mark Anthony Jackson
Po-606 Extract The Fuse Mark Anthony Jackson
Po-4657 Tabloid Mark Anthony Jackson
Po-4749 Holloween Combat On the Objective: Extraction Mark Anthony Jackson

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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