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John Michaelson

Profile for John Michaelson


A selection of works by John Michaelson

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Ref Title Author
SS-1982 The border guard. Jan Miklaszewicz
WW-1978 The cleverest fish in the lake. Jan Miklaszewicz
SS-5948 THE VILLAGE John Michaelson
Po-5946 Geometrically speaking John Michaelson
Po-3960 Don't go knocking. Jan Miklaszewicz
SS-3942 The time machine. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-3936 Heartdisease. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-6889 Ethereal jogger bottoms. John Michaelson
Po-1892 You're gone. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-6857 Home truths John Michaelson
SS-6843 Barry John Michaelson
SS-2849 Glub and Dagwood: end. Jan Miklaszewicz
SS-6801 BACKGAMMON John Michaelson
SS-2803 Glub and Dagwood: part 2. Jan Miklaszewicz
SS-2799 Glub and Dagwood: part 1. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-1802 You. Jan Miklaszewicz
SS-1706 Marmaduke. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-2687 Who won the war? Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-1628 Yo ho ho. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-1616 Daytime matters. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-4529 the promise Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-2535 Unforgiven. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-4471 upstairs Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-4459 fuck yourselves Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-4447 best read out in baritone Jan Miklaszewicz

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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