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Eve Becker

Profile for Eve Becker

Hello everyone,

I am Eve Becker. I live in my native Norway, but have spent most my adult life in Britain. I teach at a high school here in Bergen. This year I reached 40, which turned out to be a lot less scary than anticipated.

 I love the outdoors, books and music, tv and films, friends and family - all the normal stuff really..   

Big thanks to all Writebuzzers who take the time to read, comment and advise, as always I really appreciate all things constructive.




A selection of works by Eve Becker

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Ref Title Author
WW-6157 Sleeves Eve Becker
Po-6035 Stolen Eve Becker
Po-6559 Midsummer's night Eve Becker
SS-6821 Afternoon Ramble. Eve Becker
Po-6194 Long distance call Eve Becker
SS-6437 Martin Eve Becker
Po-7410 Repeats Eve Becker
Po-6287 Purple encounter Eve Becker
Po-7204 On the Ferry Eve Becker
SS-6155 FLIGHT OF FANCY Eve Becker
Po-6267 Two weeks Eve Becker
Po-7680 Hunger Eve Becker
Po-6079 In Limbo Eve Becker
SS-6387 A night in Paris Eve Becker
Po-6995 Why. Eve Becker
Po-6105 Daddy's girl Eve Becker
Po-6320 Dot and Ollie Eve Becker
Po-6301 Snap Eve Becker
Po-6853 Worry. Eve Becker
Po-6750 Silver Lining Eve Becker
Po-6076 On Reflection Eve Becker
Po-6422 Beauty Eve Becker
Po-6506 Quiet mornings. Eve Becker
SS-6272 Flour Mountain Eve Becker
Po-6066 Glossy Mags Eve Becker

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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