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You will find poetry of all forms below.
From haikus to sonnets.
Profound or flippant.
Emotive, raw, humorous, fun.
No rules.

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Ref Title Author
Po-1827 "Lies, damned lies" Bella Fortuna
Po-5468 Anchovy Bay. Aston Campbell
Po-1341 The Smile of God (Rainbow) veronica mulas
Po-3115 Burberry nappies Stuart Johnson
Po-4817 A stiff punishment follow up of sorts..... matthew newman
Po-5893 We are all just beams of light fixed in time . jonny graham
Po-7230 The call centre blues Douglas Munday
Po-7271 The Chain Greg Lawson
Po-7741 Catchy Alice Jameson
Po-7875 shoreline Rhona Aitken
Po-2565 Rough Side. Barry Gee
Po-3631 The Unknown Hero Robert Henry
Po-1313 God has lost his hearing aid. Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-5946 Geometrically speaking John Michaelson
Po-7397 The Garden At Number Ten joan crawford
Po-5751 The monster down the plughole Mike Lucas
Po-5866 Peace on Earth Trish Williams
Po-6799 What Computers Do When Nobody's Looking. jonny graham
Po-7197 The Last Rose Rhona Aitken
Po-1927 free speech adam booth
Po-5457 Eyes Rhona Aitken
Po-5747 First Love Rhona Aitken
Po-4768 The Show Must Go On BeccaD
Po-5215 Innocence BeccaD
Po-5644 Vacuum Tanya Withers

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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