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  You are @ HomeYoungsters

Hi kids!

You have landed on a page that used to be known as writebuzzschools.com. writebuzzschools.com was originally a self contained site for the under 16´s. The idea was to encourage and inspire young writers and to provide a safe environment where they could publish their writing and read and revew other publications.

Some of the publications below have been written by grown-ups (who have classified the publications as suitable for readers under sixteen years of age) and some by youngsters ranging from the ages of eleven to fifteen.

Are you a young writer? If so, why not take a look and see what you think? There are some exceptionally good pieces of work written by young and talented writers in the list. Keep an eye out on the Internet for them. They might become well-known authors in the future!

Are you a young reader? We are sure that you will find something here that interests you.


© writebuzz® 2012. All rights reserved. 

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Ref Title Author
Po-3395 Fireworks (for Roger and Ana) Yolanda Moore
Po-2561 C.V. Bernie Pointer
SS-2266 The Mascot Marjorie Dobbs
Po-2424 Grey Out Geraldine Harper
F-3864 Our Damaged World Laura Watson
DL-3462 ARoundWithRog - lets get started Roger Marris
DL-4124 ARoundWithRog - Get fit for it Roger Marris
Po-7800 DAnger Peter Philips
Po-7351 Rose Tinted Bernie Pointer
Po-1078 The Etang Maggie Huscroft
Po-7842 Growing up Emma Lashley
SS-292 Scratch and Newton have a wild time Jonathan Tidy
F-1256 My Grandad Laura Watson
Po-3399 Nightmares Yolanda Moore
Po-7640 Simple Pleasures Geraldine Harper
DL-4494 ARoundWithRog - Northern Ireland Roger Marris
Po-2227 Caged without cause Candy Cole
SS-5447 Malevolent - Chapter 1 Laura Watson
SS-4428 The Hand of Glory Hugh Hazelton
Po-6879 The Three Ages of Awakening Stephen Atkinson
Po-4729 Toxicity Jools Coggon
Po-5566 Simple Pleasures Carolyn Peters
Po-3314 Pantomime Gone Wrong Jen Hazelton
Po-5993 Free Range Rhona Aitken
SS-7405 Ornectai Stephen Atkinson

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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