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Stuart Johnson

Profile for Stuart Johnson


Well this should be fun! I'm rejoining for 2012 at least, having previously been a member some years back.

Always enjoyed being a part of the Writebuzz community, but life took a difficult turn for me a few years ago - I lost a little coherence up in the old bonce for a while, and there were just too many negative, jumbled thoughts up there for me to be making any sense on a writing site.... ( some might say I didn't make much sense anyway but hey-ho! )

The happier times are back again, and life is now better than ever. I've no idea yet where this new stint with Writebuzz will lead me, or whether I'll be able to get back into this writing malarky. Guess I'll just take it gently and see what happens and hope I can justify the subscription fee to my bank manager!

I certainly look forward to reading some work from others on here. Thank you in advance if you take the time out to read some of my work, even more so if you choose to review it - but please be honest, as I need to know whether it was worth me getting back into this. If it was rubbish, please tell me it's rubbish... don't worry, I can take it, haha! Equally, I will try to give some honest feedback to others where I feel I am fit to - so if I like what you have written, ( as I so often do when reading other stuff on here ), I will say so. No point in being critical for the sake of being critical, is what I say!

Best wishes!


A selection of works by Stuart Johnson

Sample of work from New Sample See new sample

Ref Title Author
SS-4910 The Ghost of Christmas Truths Stuart Johnson
SS-3407 Earth Minus Jeans.....( further observations ) Stuart Johnson
SS-3301 Earth Minus Jeans Equals Slacks ( the 1st silly bit ) Stuart Johnson
SS-3343 Earth Minus Jeans Equals Slacks ( the 6th silly bit ) Stuart Johnson
LB-4782 Teethmarks Stuart Johnson
SS-4506 The Remain Vigilant Broadcasting Corporation Stuart Johnson
F-4400 Book Review: Crystal - A novel by Jordan....apparently Stuart Johnson
SS-3320 Earth Minus Jeans Equals Slacks ( the 4th silly bit ) Stuart Johnson
LB-4103 From Bliss To Hiss Stuart Johnson
SS-5923 The Diary Entries of a Mild Misanthropist ( 4 ) Stuart Johnson
LB-4780 False Teethmarks Stuart Johnson
SS-4018 As Good As It Will Ever Get? Stuart Johnson
SS-5330 April Walsh Day Stuart Johnson
SS-3552 Are our Home Office Ministers smoking something illegal? Stuart Johnson
DL-4779 We Are Unable To Connect You Stuart Johnson
LB-4017 The Pharaonic Stewardess of EgyptAir 778 Stuart Johnson
SS-4440 Archivakte #2 Stuart Johnson
Po-4334 Celebrity Supermodel Countdown Conundrums on Ice Stuart Johnson
Po-5180 Wet Floor Signs on the Motorway Stuart Johnson
Po-4841 A Petition to send Ann Coulter to the Guillotine Stuart Johnson
Po-7931 Fascinating Football Player Interview Stuart Johnson
Po-3190 Billy and his placard mix-up Stuart Johnson
WW-5285 Stating the Obvious Stuart Johnson
CB-7930 The Phantom Tube Station Busker Stuart Johnson
Po-5030 The Phantom Tube Station Busker Stuart Johnson

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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