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Profile for Rhona Aitken

I love to write poetry.  I have lived a very parapetetic life full of adventure.  Ive lived in America, Africa and Switzerland.  And Scotland.  I was a Chef until I retired.  I have four children.  Seven  grandchildren.  I write.  I paint in pastel.  I love living in Bath.  Apart from that I am all too ordinary!

A selection of works by Rhona Aitken

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Ref Title Author
DL-7333 Peace be upon you Rhona Aitken
Po-5763 Summer baskets Rhona Aitken
Po-7893 Pills Rhona Aitken
SS-6256 A tale of three fifty-somethings Rhona Aitken
SS-5112 A family party Rhona Aitken
Po-5672 Whose God? Rhona Aitken
Po-7017 The Circle Rhona Aitken
Po-6007 Yule-tide Accoutrements Rhona Aitken
SS-4863 ROUND THE BEND Rhona Aitken
DL-7304 Exercise Rhona Aitken
Po-7012 the circle of slippers Rhona Aitken
SS-5169 The Jumble Sale Rhona Aitken
DL-5863 Kippers and Porridge for breakfast Rhona Aitken
SS-6131 The Walnut Trees Rhona Aitken
Po-7476 Those High Places Rhona Aitken
Po-5748 the social Rhona Aitken
Po-6174 The Circle Rhona Aitken
Po-7878 The very hopeful thought Rhona Aitken
DL-7653 Dining -room chatter at Beeching House Rhona Aitken
Po-6016 My little Aunt Rhona Aitken
Po-7720 The Careless Heart Rhona Aitken
CB-7921 The dangling key Rhona Aitken
Po-6351 Rose-tinted memories Rhona Aitken
Po-6059 A man of consequence Rhona Aitken
Po-7897 Lap-top reflections Rhona Aitken

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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