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Profile for matthew newman

I am a 36 year old London Taxi driver. I write with a grin as life is serious enough so why bugger up your spare time.

I enjoy reading all the work submitted on this site and give a thumbs up to anyone brave enough to have a go.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read and review.




A selection of works by matthew newman

Sample of work from New Sample See new sample

Ref Title Author
Po-5088 It's a snip. matthew newman
Po-5661 Eye's down matthew newman
Po-4653 George and the Dragon matthew newman
Po-5585 God I'm old! matthew newman
Po-5564 She started it matthew newman
Po-4984 Where's my telly gone? matthew newman
Po-5436 Be fair. matthew newman
Po-5612 What's new? matthew newman
Po-4994 Fame is calling matthew newman
SS-4742 Let's get physical....or not. matthew newman
Po-5705 What's the difference? matthew newman
Po-4590 More than a headache matthew newman
Po-4759 A tale of human kindness?? matthew newman
Po-5584 What did I say? matthew newman
Po-4714 All if's...no buts matthew newman
Po-4821 Do you believe? matthew newman
Po-5860 Who was that bird? matthew newman
Po-5466 Don't get pushy. matthew newman
Po-5535 How's your luck? matthew newman
Po-4817 A stiff punishment follow up of sorts..... matthew newman
Po-5176 It must be love matthew newman
Po-5031 Art....my arse! matthew newman
Po-4703 Who am I? matthew newman
Po-4627 Hammer time. matthew newman
Po-5200 An ode to my one star reveiwer matthew newman

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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